PT. Mitra Toyotaka Indonesia(MTI)

PT. Mitra Toyotaka Indonesia is a Japanese company that has been operating in Indonesia since 1990. Located at Jl. Raya Serang Km. 24 Balaraja Tangerang, Banten and open their workshop at Jl. Raya Klari KM 10 Klari, Karawang. PT. MTI is a subsidiary of Toyotaka Sangyo Corporation, a Japanese holding company located at 37-7, Shikita, Sasabara-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi, Japan.
The company is in the business of making automobile bodywork. Wing boxes, Utility boxes, Concrete mixers, and Dump truck the four types of automotive body goods. Not only do we make automobile bodywork, but we also make steel pallets, which are used by a variety of automotive manufacturers and other businesses.